
~.From "The Night Watch".~

A mad tea party! Move over, Lewis Carroll. The maddest tea parties aren't the ones in the rabbit's burrow, with the Mad Hatter, the Dormouse and the March Hare round the table. A small kitchen in a small apartment, tea left over from the morning, topped up with boiling water, raspberry jam from the three-litre jar - this is the stage on wich inknown actors play out genuinely mad tea parties. This is the place, the only place where they say the words they would never say otherwise. This is where they pull nasty little secrets out of the darkness with a conjuror's flourish, where they take the family skeletons out of the closet, when they discover the cyanide sprinkled in the sugar bowl. And you can never find a reason to get up and leave, because everytime they pour you more tea, offer you jam and move the sugar bowl a bit closer...